Shareholders and investors |
- Company website/ Permanent
- Institutional investors' conference/ Quarterly
- Credit ratings/ Annually
- Spokesperson/ Permanent
- Investors’ conference/ Irregular
- Email/ Permanent
- Service hotline / Permanent
- Shareholders' Meeting / Annually
- Set up an Investor Relation section on the company website to provide comprehensive information for investors
- Host quarterly investor conference to fully communicate with investors
- Set up a dedicated contact window and email investor Relations Department contact email: To answer questions from investors and analysts via telephone and email and collect feedback
- Business Performance
- Friendly and healthy workplace
- Talent Recruitment and Retention
- Talent Cultivation and Development Customer Relationship and Service Quality
- 8 investor conferences in both Chinese and English were held. In order to follow the pandemic prevention regulations, the Chinese investor conference was held online instead.
- Invited to participate in 3 investor conferences to communicate the direction of business performance and strategic development, and regularly report investor concerns to the management.
- Responded to more than 400 investor questions by phone and email.
- Update the credit ratings of SKFH and its major subsidiaries.
Suppliers |
- Supplier Management Regulations/ Irregular
- Price negotiation meetings/ Irregular
- Project meetings/ Irregular
- Contract negotiations/ Irregular
- Business seminars and price negotiation meetings
- Onsite audit, inspection and acceptance, and education of labor safety and health awareness
- Business Performance
- Supply Chain Management
- Information Security and Privacy
- 100% of new suppliers have signed the Supplier's ESG Commitment Letter.
Employees |
- Internal website/ Permanent
- Official document announcements/ Irregular
- Newsletter/ Once a month
- Service hotline/ Permanent
- Email/ Permanent
- Lecture/ Irregular
- Employee engagement survey/ Twice a year
- Club activities/ Irregular
- Communication publications/ 6 times a year
- Meetings/ Irregular
- Training/ Irregular
- Unions/ Irregular
- Labor-management meeting/ Quarterly
- Exit interview/ Irregular
- Use the internal website, announcements, email notifications, meetings, and publications to notify employees of information in the Company
- Set up employee communication channels, employee complaint channels, and “sexual harassment” complaint mailbox and helpline
- Conduct the anonymous “employee engagement survey” with an online questionnaire
- Provide Leader Campus of Commonwealth Magazine online courses and encourage employees to learn by themselves to achieve mobility, energy conservation, and carbon footprint emissions reduction
- Organize internal seminars in different fields including financial trends, workplace environment, physical and mental health, social care, or corporate governance topics
- Disaster prevention exercises, labor work environment evaluation, and the establishment of the “health center”
- Organize one labor-management meeting every 3 months to actively interact with employees and maintain good relations
- Business Performance
- Friendly and healthy workplace
- Talent Cultivation and Development
- Talent Recruitment and Retention
- Employee Engagement 68%.
- The Leader Campus of Commonwealth Magazine courses have been viewed 2,047 times in 2023.
- Held 9 lectures on financial trends, social care and other related topics.
- Quarterly labor-management meetings were held, and 4 meetings were held in 2023.
Customers |
- Physical service locations. exclusive services, VIP activities, satisfaction surveys, care for policyholders/ Permanent
- Online: Company website, 0800 customer service hotline, fans page, APP/ Permanent
- Counter services, automatic service equipment
- Web/app online service functions
- 24H Customer service center( online AI, audio, and email customer services)
- Social media
- Issuance of newsletters and digital brochures
- Organize finance seminars
- Special visit
- Information Security and Privacy
- Innovation and Digital Finance
- Customer Relationship and Service Quality
- Oversll satisfaction with SKL, SKB and MLS: 94.9%
Government and Regulatory Authorities |
- Official letters/ Irregular
- Attend meetings organized by the competent authority/ Irregular
- Court activities/ Irregular
- Seminars/ Irregular
- Cooperate with the competent authority’s verification, policy promotion, and related activities
- Directors and Supervisors have attended continuing education courses in accordance with the Directions for the Implementation of Continuing Education for Directors and Supervisors of TWSE Listed and TPEx Listed Companies
- Comply with policies of the competent authorities, attend related meetings, provide recommendations where necessary, and promote financial knowledge education
- Legal Compliance
- Business Performance
- Risk Management
- Information Security and Privacy
- Corporate Governance and Ethical Management
- Publish the General Shareholders' Meeting Annual Report both in Chinese and English.
- Top 6% to 20% in corporate governance evaluation.
- Attend regulators' policy publication and public hearings.
Communities, general public |
- Lectures/ Irregular
- Press / Irregular
- Local art and cultural activities and activities in the public interest / Irregular
- Foundation/Permanent
- Website/Permanent
- Social Participation
- Financial Inclusion
- Innovation and Digital Finance
- Environmental Protection
- Ecological conservation
- Employment opportunities
- Community development and care activities
- Hold “protecting Forests: Creating Forest Vitality Together’, “Coral Conservation for a Sustainable Ocean”, completing reef checks and ocean clean-ups.
- Sponsor Penghu Fireworks Festival, the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage Procession, Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival, thousands of people swimming across Sun Moon Lake, and Chiayi City International Band Festival.
- Held more than 200 lectures on financial management, health and life.
- Seminars in the public interest/ Irregular
- Charity Activity / Irregular
- Environmental conservation activities / Irregular
- Cash donations/ Irregular
- Sponsorship and collaboration/ Irregular
- Academic or industry-related seminars
- Organize charitable and philanthropic activities
- Cooperate or participate in related environmental conservation activities
- Charitable donations or sponsorship for activities in the public interest
- Social Participation
- Innovation and Digital Finance
- Financial Inclusion
- Cooperate with more than 30 social service units in Taiwan.
- Volunteers:14,235 people.
- Total service hours:44,085 hours.
Media |
- Rating and surveys/ Irregular
- Seminars/ Irregular
- Interviews/ Irregular
- Press conferences/ Irregular
- Press Releases/ Irregular
- Participation in rating and surveys organized by various institutions
- Invite the media to participate in material activities
- Innovation and Digital Finance
- Customer Relationship and Service Quality
- Financial Inclusion
- Green Operation
- SKFH and its subsidiaries issued a total of 198 press releases.
- SKFH held 8 investor conferences and 4 media gatherings, open to media questions.
- SKFH and its subsidiaries held press conferences irregularly.