Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement


SKFH has established diverse communication channels to listen to stakeholders and maintain a good interactive relationship. We have identified eight major categories of stakeholders who may be in contact with, influenced by, or impacted by the business activities of our subsidiaries. Through various channels, we engage in communication with stakeholders. The communication channels, frequency, and key topics of concern for stakeholders are as follows, and the annual communication results as well as material issues were reported to the Board of Directors on December 27, 2023.


Methods and Issues of Stakeholder Engagement

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Stakeholder Main Communication Channel and Frequency Modes of Communication Issues Communication Results in 2023
Shareholders and investors
  • Company website/ Permanent
  • Institutional investors' conference/ Quarterly
  • Credit ratings/ Annually
  • Spokesperson/ Permanent
  • Investors’ conference/ Irregular
  • Email/ Permanent
  • Service hotline / Permanent
  • Shareholders' Meeting / Annually
  • Set up an Investor Relation section on the company website to provide comprehensive information for investors
  • Host quarterly investor conference to fully communicate with investors
  • Set up a dedicated contact window and email investor Relations Department contact email: To answer questions from investors and analysts via telephone and email and collect feedback
  • Business Performance
  • Friendly and healthy workplace
  • Talent Recruitment and Retention
  • Talent Cultivation and Development Customer Relationship and Service Quality
  • 8 investor conferences in both Chinese and English were held. In order to follow the pandemic prevention regulations, the Chinese investor conference was held online instead.
  • Invited to participate in 3 investor conferences to communicate the direction of business performance and strategic development, and regularly report investor concerns to the management.
  • Responded to more than 400 investor questions by phone and email.
  • Update the credit ratings of SKFH and its major subsidiaries.
  • Supplier Management Regulations/ Irregular
  • Price negotiation meetings/ Irregular
  • Project meetings/ Irregular
  • Contract negotiations/ Irregular
  • Business seminars and price negotiation meetings
  • Onsite audit, inspection and acceptance, and education of labor safety and health awareness
  • Business Performance
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Information Security and Privacy
  • 100% of new suppliers have signed the Supplier's ESG Commitment Letter.
  • Internal website/ Permanent
  • Official document announcements/ Irregular
  • Newsletter/ Once a month
  • Service hotline/ Permanent
  • Email/ Permanent
  • Lecture/ Irregular
  • Employee engagement survey/ Twice a year
  • Club activities/ Irregular
  • Communication publications/ 6 times a year
  • Meetings/ Irregular
  • Training/ Irregular
  • Unions/ Irregular
  • Labor-management meeting/ Quarterly
  • Exit interview/ Irregular
  • Use the internal website, announcements, email notifications, meetings, and publications to notify employees of information in the Company
  • Set up employee communication channels, employee complaint channels, and “sexual harassment” complaint mailbox and helpline
  • Conduct the anonymous “employee engagement survey” with an online questionnaire
  • Provide Leader Campus of Commonwealth Magazine online courses and encourage employees to learn by themselves to achieve mobility, energy conservation, and carbon footprint emissions reduction
  • Organize internal seminars in different fields including financial trends, workplace environment, physical and mental health, social care, or corporate governance topics
  • Disaster prevention exercises, labor work environment evaluation, and the establishment of the “health center”
  • Organize one labor-management meeting every 3 months to actively interact with employees and maintain good relations
  • Business Performance
  • Friendly and healthy workplace
  • Talent Cultivation and Development
  • Talent Recruitment and Retention
  • Employee Engagement 68%.
  • The Leader Campus of Commonwealth Magazine courses have been viewed 2,047 times in 2023.
  • Held 9 lectures on financial trends, social care and other related topics.
  • Quarterly labor-management meetings were held, and 4 meetings were held in 2023.
  • Physical service locations. exclusive services, VIP activities, satisfaction surveys, care for policyholders/ Permanent
  • Online: Company website, 0800 customer service hotline, fans page, APP/ Permanent
  • Counter services, automatic service equipment
  • Web/app online service functions
  • 24H Customer service center( online AI, audio, and email customer services)
  • Social media
  • Issuance of newsletters and digital brochures
  • Organize finance seminars
  • Special visit
  • Information Security and Privacy
  • Innovation and Digital Finance
  • Customer Relationship and Service Quality
  • Oversll satisfaction with SKL, SKB and MLS: 94.9%
Government and Regulatory Authorities
  • Official letters/ Irregular
  • Attend meetings organized by the competent authority/ Irregular
  • Court activities/ Irregular
  • Seminars/ Irregular
  • Cooperate with the competent authority’s verification, policy promotion, and related activities
  • Directors and Supervisors have attended continuing education courses in accordance with the Directions for the Implementation of Continuing Education for Directors and Supervisors of TWSE Listed and TPEx Listed Companies
  • Comply with policies of the competent authorities, attend related meetings, provide recommendations where necessary, and promote financial knowledge education
  • Legal Compliance
  • Business Performance
  • Risk Management
  • Information Security and Privacy
  • Corporate Governance and Ethical Management
  • Publish the General Shareholders' Meeting Annual Report both in Chinese and English.
  • Top 6% to 20% in corporate governance evaluation.
  • Attend regulators' policy publication and public hearings.
Communities, general public
  • Lectures/ Irregular
  • Press / Irregular
  • Local art and cultural activities and activities in the public interest / Irregular
  • Foundation/Permanent
  • Website/Permanent
  • Social Participation
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Innovation and Digital Finance
  • Environmental Protection
  • Ecological conservation
  • Employment opportunities
  • Community development and care activities
  • Hold “protecting Forests: Creating Forest Vitality Together’, “Coral Conservation for a Sustainable Ocean”, completing reef checks and ocean clean-ups.
  • Sponsor Penghu Fireworks Festival, the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage Procession, Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival, thousands of people swimming across Sun Moon Lake, and Chiayi City International Band Festival.
  • Held more than 200 lectures on financial management, health and life.
  • Seminars in the public interest/ Irregular
  • Charity Activity / Irregular
  • Environmental conservation activities / Irregular
  • Cash donations/ Irregular
  • Sponsorship and collaboration/ Irregular
  • Academic or industry-related seminars
  • Organize charitable and philanthropic activities
  • Cooperate or participate in related environmental conservation activities
  • Charitable donations or sponsorship for activities in the public interest
  • Social Participation
  • Innovation and Digital Finance
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Cooperate with more than 30 social service units in Taiwan.
  • Volunteers:14,235 people.
  • Total service hours:44,085 hours.
  • Rating and surveys/ Irregular
  • Seminars/ Irregular
  • Interviews/ Irregular
  • Press conferences/ Irregular
  • Press Releases/ Irregular
  • Participation in rating and surveys organized by various institutions
  • Invite the media to participate in material activities
  • Innovation and Digital Finance
  • Customer Relationship and Service Quality
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Green Operation
  • SKFH and its subsidiaries issued a total of 198 press releases.
  • SKFH held 8 investor conferences and 4 media gatherings, open to media questions.
  • SKFH and its subsidiaries held press conferences irregularly.

Climate Lobbying

SKFH contribute to the sustainable development by actively advocating issues related to corporate sustainability.Lobbying and political participation are important risk management measures for the board of directors and senior management. The company's lobbying and political donation activities are conducted in accordance with the "SKFH Donation Management Regulations" and are submitted for approval by executive level or above. To implement climate change risk management, respond to international initiatives, and address the challenges of climate change, SKFH publicly releases its Climate Risk Management Policy. We establish climate risk management measures and commit to working towards mitigating climate change. SKFH will continue to monitor direct lobbying opportunities, the internal developments and external statements of the trade organizations we are a part of. An annual review will be conducted and publicly reported to assess their commitment to actively engage in climate policy. In the future, SKFH will continue to enhance its climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, embodying the sustainable spirit and value of "our light and heart are always with you," working towards the goal of corporate sustainability.