Diverse and Equal Opportunities

Diverse and Equal Opportunities


Diverse and inclusive workplace

SKFH's operation is mainly based in Taiwan, so our employees are mainly composed of the local employees in Taiwan, and all of our senior executives are Taiwanese. In 2022, there were 15,469 full-time employees and 3,986 unofficial employees, totaling 19,455 employees. We also recruit foreigners legally, in order to improve the competitiveness and diversity of talents. In 2022, we employed a total of 34 foreigners, mainly from 5 countries including Hong Kong and Myanmar, accounting for about 0.18% of all employees. 
 In 2022, we employed 190employees with disabilities, with 41 persons over-employed and an over-employment rate of approximately 27.5%, and 172 indigenous residents, with 72 persons over-employed and an over-employment rate of about 72%. Disabled and indigenous employees accounted for 2.3% of the full-time employees.

Analysis on Employee's Region / Nationality in 20222

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Company SKFH and Its Subsidiaries
Category Taiwan Overseas Taiwanese Foreign national Total
Female Full-time employees 10,456 22 10,466 12 10,478 
Unofficial employees 28 0 28 0  28
Workers who are not employees   3,415 0 3,415  0 3,415
Subtotal 13,899 22 13,909 12 13,921
Male Full-time employees 4,953 38 4,969 22 4,991
Unofficial employees   18 0 18 0 18 
Workers who are not employees   525 0 525 0 525
Subtotal 5,496 38 5,514 22 5,534
Total(Full-time employees) 15,409 60 15,435 34 15,469
Total(All workers) 19,395 60 19,421 34 19,455
  • Note 1: Official employees are full-time employees. Unofficial employees include temporary workers, part-time employees, student workers, and interns. Workers who are not employees include commission only sales representatives and contractor personnel.
  • Note 2: Foreign employees are all office staff, which are mainly from Hong Kong accounting for the largest proportion of 0.12% , followed by China,  Myanmar, Vietnam and Malaysia.

Analysis on full-time Employee's Nationality in 2022

Taiwan Hong Kong Vietnam Malaysia Myanmar China
Percentage of total employees 99.82% 0.12% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% 0.02%
Percentage of all management positions 99.9% 0.1% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Analysis on full-time Employee's Gender and Rank in 2022

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Gender Male Female Total Proportion of each category
Rank < 30 30 - 50 > 50 < 30 30 - 50 > 50 Male Female
Senior-level managers 0 48 160 0 21 53 282 1.3% 0.5%
Mid-level managers 0 119 120 0 75 60 374 1.5% 0.9%
Junior-level managers 77 516 202 46 627 611 2,079 5.1% 8.3%
General employees 864 2,117 768 1,213 4,492 3,280 12,734 24.2% 58.1%
Proportion of each age group 6.1% 18.1% 8.1% 8.1%  33.7% 25.9% 100.0% 32.3% 67.7%
  • Note: Senior-level managers are the heads of departments and above; mid-level managers include course directors and the managers of regional sales divisions; junior-level managers include section supervisors, project managers, the managers of Sales Divisions, and the managers of the Sales Offices.


Percentage of Employees from Disadvantaged Groups in the Past Three Years

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2020 2021 2022
Percentage of employees with disabilities among full-time employee 1.2% 1.2%


Percentage of the indigenous employees among full-time employees 1.0%




Equal Remuneration and Opportunities

SKFH implements gender equality, pays attention to female employees' ability and leadership. We not only have equal pay for equal work based on salary policy, but also provide female employees with a smooth promotion channel, allowing them to realize their potential. In 2022, females accounted for 71.6% of all employees and among them, females in science, information, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related fields accounted for 40.8%, and females in management positions accounted for 54.5%. We aim at increasing the proportion of female senior-level managers year by year, with the target to reach 30% of the proportion of female senior-level managers by 2025.


Analysis on Female Employees in 2022

Females in management positions

Females in junior management positions

Females in senior management positions

Female managers in revenue generation departments

Female employees

Females in STEM departments

  • Note 1: Senior management positions include the heads of departments and above.
  • Note 2: STEM includes information technology, actuarial statistics, data analysis and other related departments.


Proportion of Remuneration of Male and Female in 2022

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Rank Base salary
(Female/Male remuneration)
Yearly remuneration
(Female/Male remuneration)
Senior management level 95.8% 96.5%
Management level 85.8% 101%
Non-management level 87.4% 86.6%
  • Note 1: Senior-level managers include the heads of departments and above
  • Note 2: Only office staff is included for SKL, since insurance agents' remuneration varies with their business performance and is not related to gender.
  • Note 3: Fixed salary is the fixed monthly salary (including monthly base salary/meal allowance / appointed management position) in 2022, and fixed salary + variable salary is the fixed salary plus various bonuses/allowances/overtime for the whole year.