Economic Data

Economic Data


Economic Data in the Past Three Years

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Type Item Unit 2020 2021 2022

Operation ability

Total assets NT$ millions 4,357,124 4,685,263 4,850,699
Operating revenue (net revenue) NT$ millions 268,137 216,512 100,908
Revenue per employee NT$ millions 16 13 6
Profit per employee NT$ millions 0.84 1.35 0.13


Return on assets % 0.34 0.50 0.05
Return on shareholder’s equity % 6.03 9.00 0.91
Earnings per share NT$ 1.12 1.67 0.10

Economic value

Operating costs NT$ millions 26,964 29,411 27,128
Employee compensation and benefits NT$ millions 16,825 18,081 15,462
Dividends for shareholders NT$ millions 5,074 5,471 6,728
Payments made to the government (Note1) NT$ millions 1,592 1,811 1,804 
Charitable contributions expenses NT$ millions 64 108 89
Retained economic value (Note 2) NT$ millions 234,507 179,819 65,248
Retained earnings NT$ millions 81,023 98,336 93,494
Political contributions (Note 3) NT$ millions 0 0 0

  • Note 1: For government payments for each tax district information please click here. In addition, we have released the 2022 Climate Lobbying Report, which explains the program and management operations.
  • Note 2: Retained economic value: ‘direct economic value generated’ less ‘economic value distributed’. Direct economic value generated: revenues. Economic value distributed: operating costs, employee wages and benefits, payments to providers of capital, payments to government by country, and community investments.
  • Note 3: There was no political contributions in the past three years. The Company has formulated Donation Management Guidelines to regulate political contributions.
  • Note 4: For the total liabilities, please refer to the financial overview in the 2022 AGM Annual Report.