Health and Safety Workplace

Health and Safety Workplace


Health and Safety Workplace

SKFH cares about the health and well-being of employees, provides a comprehensive benefit system, and builds child-friendly facilities to support employees to take care of their families and career. In addition, we also attach importance to the safety and health in workplace, and improve the health and vitality of employees through institutionalized management and health risk assessment and tracking. Although employees of SKFH and its subsidiaries are engaged in administrative and commercial services without high risks, in order to provide a healthy and safe working environment for all employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders, we have established an Occupational Health and Safety Policy in accordance with domestic and international regulations and standards on occupational safety and health, which has been approved by the Board of Directors and implemented.
In addition, in order to remove risks from the workplace environment, we regularly review and communicate with labor representatives, employees and related workers on occupational safety and health issues, unsafe behaviors and health risks, as well as set action plans and priorities through risk identification and management, set quantitative targets, and continuously improve the performance of occupational safety and health management. Through occupational safety and health education and promotion, we hope to raise workers' awareness and knowledge of occupational safety and health. We promote the implementation of employee care programs in safety, health and wellness so that all employees can have a safe and comfortable workplace.


Occupational Safety and Health Committee

The major subsidiaries of SKFH have established the “Occupational Health and Safety Committee” in accordance with regulations. The President or the Vice President serves as the chair and the rest of the committee members are composed of employees from the Occupational Health and Safety Department, medical staff, heads of various departments and more than 1/3 of labor representatives. There is an "Occupational safety and health management entities" under the Committee, which is responsible for formulating, planning, supervising and promoting occupational health and safety related business.
The committee meets quarterly to discuss safety and health issues, such as reviewing workplace health and safety policies, safety and health work codes, annual work strategy plans and various safety and health recommendations, and reports to the board of directors after tracking the effectiveness of various resolutions to ensure that the implementation of various health and safety efforts meets employee needs and corporate expectations.


Health Risk Management


SKFH adheres to the concept of "Healthy Workplace" and we follow the "Safety and Health Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Procedures". To assess the work environment or operations of employees, the causes of internal and external accidents, the severity of accidents, and potential risks. Through the risk assessment process, we identify and analyze the risk factors in terms of the degree of impact and frequency of occurrence of common occupational accidents, the top ten annual health check abnormalities, or abnormal workloads of employees (shift work, night work, long working hours, etc.), and identify the main health and safety risks as modern civilized diseases and traffic accidents. The company has also formulated risk mitigation action plans, such as: annual health posture activities, health education services, functional evaluation of contracted specialists, four major programs for labor health protection (the "Workplace Maternal Health Protection Program," "Human Factors," "Abnormal Workload," and the "Workplace Violence Prevention Plan"), and enhanced promotion of the concept of road driving among employees.

In addition, to ensure the effective implementation of mitigation measures, we incorporate the effectiveness of the implementation of occupational health and safety management programs into the KPI items of the president, senior management and occupational health and safety department (e.g., employee health examination rate, environmental assessment and hazard identification, frequency and severity of disabling injuries, etc.) as an important element of salary performance-linked assessment. At the same time, we adopt the concept of "all-around protection" and carry out risk control measures in the P-D-C-A management cycle, and after prioritizing the results of risk analysis and integrating action plans with quantifiable targets to address these risks, we report them at the board of directors' meetings on a quarterly basis and deliberation or external audits are carried out in the management review meeting every year. In 2023, there are no major defects in the internal audit results of SKFH and its subsidiaries; in January, SKL passed the re-  evaluation and renewal of the occupational health and safety management system (ISO 45001:2018), and there were no defects in the external audit results. 

In order to improve safety and health management in the workplace, when an injury or accident occurs, supervisors at all levels at SKFH's major subsidiaries should follow the "Safety and Health Work Rules" and report the accident to the responsible unit after learning of it. The responsible unit should include OHS education and training materials, as appropriate, after investigation, analysis and follow-up to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Health Risk Management


Absenteeism Statistics


2020 2021 2022 2023
Absentee Rate(individual sick days and personal days taken for undisclosed reasons) 0.228% 0.273% 0.537% 0.648%
Absentee Rate(work-related injury or disease) 0.005% 0.005% 0.004% 0.014%
Absentee Rate 0.234% 0.279% 0.540% 0.662%
  • Note:Due to the different nature of sales business, sales personnel is excluded in the above table.


Complete Benefits System

Steady workplace
  • Insurance benefits

SKFH and its subsidiaries offer discounted insurance rates to employees, including term life insurance, accident insurance, accident medical insurance, and hospitalization medical insurance. SKL: Employees who enroll in group term life insurance receive an additional 30% coverage provided by the Company's welfare committee, ensuring employees and their families have greater protection. SKB: In addition to the above coverage, starting from 2023, surgical medical insurance has been added. MLS: The Company fully covers group insurance premiums for employees, their spouses, and children under 23 years old. Apart from coverage for the employees themselves, hospitalization and surgical medical insurance were also includes for their spouses and children under 23.

  • Financial benefits

To take care of the employees’ life and enhance the Company's business performance, we subsidize employees and senior executives to participate in the employee stock ownership trust plan. In 2023, a total of NT$136 million was subsidized for the employee stock ownership trust.

Flexible working
  • Special Leave 

Employees who need to take care of family members due to vaccination, serious illness or other major accidents may take paid family care leave. Also, to encourage employees to have children, employees of SKL, SKB and MLS and their spouses who undergo artificial reproductive treatment (including ovulation injections, ovulation-breaking injections, egg retrieval or implantation, etc.) can apply for 2 days of paid leaves.

  • Promote work flexibility

We set up flexible working hours with three shifts to assist employees to balancing work and family life, which allow office staff to adjust office hours flexibly according to the needs of their family and lifestyle. Among which, in line with the sales characteristics of the special business departments (such as 0800 customer service, investment department), different shifts were set up to provide employees with more flexible choices.

  • Working from home

In response to the digital trend worldwide and to cater to the unique lifestyle needs of employees, the Company has created a set of guidelines for managing those who work from home, and provided software and hardware support to enable employees to work from home. This allows employees to make better use of the time saved on commuting, while balancing work and personal or family life. In 2023, a total of 380 people in the group applied for working from home.

Warming Care
  • Employee health promotion activities

SKFH and its subsidiaries are committed to assisting employees in achieving physical, mental, and emotional balance. We actively integrate internal and external resources to organize workplace health promotion activities, including weight and fat reduction programs, stress-relief handcraft workshops, myofascial release technique seminars, sleep assessment and posture correction lectures, and strength and stretching training for office workers. In addition, we subsidize the establishment of diverse sports and stress-relief clubs, allowing employees to participate in exercise programs to strengthen their bodies and relieve stress during off-hours and weekends. Furthermore, these club activities promote interaction among employees from different departments. The clubs include sports such as tennis, table tennis,basketball, badminton, hiking, and tai chi, as well as healing activities like yoga, tai chi, and bead crafting.


Mother-Friendly Workplace

Friendly environ ment
  • Breastfeeding roomsIn addition to providing employees with gifts for pregnancy, motherhood, and breastfeeding, as well as incentives for their children's academic achievements, we have also established breastfeeding rooms in all our business locations across Taiwan. These nursing rooms are managed and maintained by health management specialists and have been certified as "Excellent Breastfeeding Rooms". In 2023, the nursing rooms of SKFH were used a total of 3,541 times.
  • Childcare ClassWe work together with physicians and health management specialists to conduct health risk assessments for pregnant and postpartum employees, and encourage female employees in ideal childbearing age to actively seek maternal health protection and care.
Benefit measures
  • Childbirth subsidiesWe offer employees or their spouses a maximum of NT$20,000 for maternity allowance, with additional support given proportionally for multiple births. In 2023, SKFH and its subsidiaries provided approximately NT$3.7 million in childbirth subsidies, benefiting a total of 235 individuals.
  • Childcare subsidiesWe provide Pregnancy Gifts, Mother Gifts, Parenting Gifts, and scholarship awards. 
  • Discount for childcare services SKFH sign contracts with reputable childcare institutions to provide discounts for child care services to reduce employees' childcare  burden.
Paid Parental Leave
  • Paid Parental Leave for Primary Caregiver
    1. Maternity leave of 60 days, which exceeds the legal requirement of 56 days.
    2. 8 days of paternity leave for prenatal check-ups and accompanying childbirth, which exceeds the legal requirement of 7 days in Taiwan.
    3. Full-paid miscarriage leave that exceeds the legal requirement, which is unpaid in Taiwan.
    4. Established breastfeeding work hours, reduced and adjusted work hour system, and 6 months of parental leave paid at 80% of the employee’s salary used to register for labor insurance.
    5. Parents of children under three years old can apply to reduce their work hours by one hour per day.
  • Paid Parental Leave for Non -primary Caregiver
    1. 8 days of paternity leave for prenatal check-ups and accompanying childbirth, which exceeds the legal requirement of 7 days in Taiwan.
    2. Established breastfeeding work hours, adjusted attendance schedule, and 6 months of parental leave paid at 80% of the employee’s salary used to register for labor insurance.
    3. Parents of children under three years old can apply to reduce their work hours by one hour per day.


Prevention of Workplace Harassment and Discrimination

SKFH has a zero-tolerance attitude towards workplace harassment and discrimination. In addition to stipulating in the employee code of conduct that any form of harassment (including sexual harassment) and discrimination shall be prohibited. The major subsidiaries have also formulated the regulations such as the "Prevention Plan for Workplace violence in the Performance of Duties" and the "Rules for Prevention, Complaint, and Punishment against Sexual Harassment”, to protect the rights and interests of employees. At the same time, we publicized the "Statement on the Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment and Workplace Violence in the Workplace" signed by the president to our employees in written and electronic announcements, and reiterated the importance of workplace equality and the elimination of discrimination, harassment and other workplace violence.

In order to reduce the possibility of risk occurrence, we regularly conduct self-inspection of workplace violence behaviors in the workplace to the management and also sexual harassment and workplace violence prevention training for all employees, to ensure that employees understand the types of workplace violence and corresponding countermeasures. All employees of SKFH and its subsidiaries have completed 100% of relevant education and training of human right in 2023. As specified in the Labor Standards Act, we never hire child labor, and there were no forced or compulsory labor incidents. In accordance with Article 98 of the Shin Kong Financial Holding Work Rules, employees would be notified of operational changes before such changes are implemented. 

The Company set up a sexual harassment complaint handling committee, a workplace violence handling team, provide special complaint channels (including complaint hotlines and complaint mailboxes) as well as comprehensive complaint handling procedure. The investigation procedure would immediately start once there is an actual complaint case. If it is proven true after investigation, the company will punish according to the personnel regulations and provide necessary assistance and remedial measures to the complainant, including system adjustments, psychological counseling and material compensation. If it is proved to be falsely accused, the company will also punish or deal with the complainant appropriately, so as to mitigate and eliminate the improper influence and protect the basic rights and interests of employees. In 2023, SKFH and its subsidiaries received 3 complaint case and 2 sexual harassment case. The relevant disciplinary offenders were punished in accordance with personnel regulations, and the complainant was provided with the necessary assistance and remedial measures including department shifting or referral of mental counseling.