Health Promotion

Health Promotion


Connection between the public participation strategies and business operations and their performance

SKFH has long been committed to the publicity of the prevention of major diseases and long-term care risks. We hope to lead the public to understand major diseases through holding seminars such as cancer prevention seminars and dementia-friendly seminars, blood donation, nationwide hiking and advocates the concept of "prevention is better than cure" to remind people the importance of having good health, and then gradually achieve th SDGs goal of ensuring health and promoting the well-being of all age groups. In 2023, about NT$6.58 million was invested in related health promotion activities, and about 320,000 people benefited from it.

6.58 Million

Total Input



Health for All


We partnered with Digital Humanitarian Association to launch the Remote Healthcare Program in Rural Areas. Through digital tools, we connected over 1,800 health experts to provide online health consultations and health education courses. In 2023, the remote health promotion program introduced 203 sessions to community centers, helping seniors enhance their health awareness and delay degeneration. Meanwhile, we also strengthened connections with local business units by adopting rural locations and organizing corporate volunteer services, integrating our core expertise in insurance in inclusive financial education and scam prevention, safeguarding the economic security of the elderly. Our volunteers also engaged with seniors through paper crafting activities to train hand-eye coordination, activate the brain and organs, and delay aging. This year, we expanded our care centers to six locations, including Wutai in Pingtung County, the Daycare Center in Hualien Fenglin, Beinan in Taitung, Dabang in Chiayi, Jianshi in Hsinchu, and Suan Tou in Chiayi, to broaden the protection of rural elderly health and safety. A total of 83 volunteers participated in the service, serving approximately 109 seniors. The SROI calculation shows that for every NT$1 invested, a social value of NT$9.57 was created.


Memory Guardian Coffee Station

To encourage individuals with dementia to participate more in social activities, we organized ten "Memory Guardian Coffee Station" charity events. We arranged for elderly individuals with mild to moderate dementia to take part in hand drip coffee brewing workshops and serve as senior service volunteers at our branches and in the community. At these events, free hand-drip coffee was provided to the public, fostering close interactions to dispel societal stereotypes about dementia and establish an inclusive and supportive dementia-friendly community. Moreover, we integrated the World Alzheimer's Month campaign with fraud prevention advocacy, actively sharing common financial fraud patterns and prevention methods with the elderly, individuals with dementia, and their families to reduce the chances of falling victim to scams.


Women's Health


Shin Kong Pink October

For 15 consecutive years, during the international breast cancer awareness month, we have organized nearly 57 breast cancer awareness talks and distributed 22,000 breast cancer prevention pamphlets across all SKFH branches, reminding female customers to perform self-examinations and receive regular breast checkups. In light of the low breast cancer screening rate in Taiwan, we worked with the Taiwan Breast Cancer Alliance for 18 consecutive years on the "Care for Your Breasts, Spread the Seeds of Love" campaign, as well as breast cancer talks for new immigrants in Taiwan, to raise awareness among women to cherish their health. For the past 3 years, we have also set up a mobile mammography unit at the SKFH headquarters to help women understand the importance of breast cancer screening. In 2023, a total of 22,133 beneficiaries were reached through our "Shin Kong Pink October" public welfare initiatives.


Shin Kong Kitchen" Healthy Kitchen Workshops

To promote the health and nutrition concepts for women, we organized the "Shin Kong Kitchen" healthy kitchen workshops to advocate for nutritional and healthy habits. This workshop featured lectures from doctors in nutrition and award-winning chefs, offering hands-on, interactive kitchen experiences to promote healthy ingredient choices and cooking methods to help people enjoy simple and healthy cooking during their busy lives. In 2023, the workshop was held across all regions of Taiwan, including the north, central, south, and east. A total of 74 participants benefited from the event, with a satisfaction rate of 97.8%.